200hr vs 300hr Yoga Teacher Training

Feb 28, 2023

 Do you get confused tryna understand how does Yoga Alliance work? Why Yoga Alliance and what will you find in each SoHA program?

Every year I get students ask me these questions over and over as its unclear what to expect of each program and how it works. Let's break it down :)

A 200hr Yoga Training is the foundational training and the first one to take. You may have taken a couple of classes or workshops, yet if you truly want to deepen on this path and bring the true benefits of yoga into your life, then this is the way. You will find a great cocktail of the main yogic teachings as well as all the tools that will help you transform your life into the lifestyle that you are craving. This will most likely mark a before and after event in your life that will stay in your heart forever.

A 300hr Yoga Training is then a continuation of these studies and becomes a lot more specialized in different topics depending on your interests. Many schools teach this intensively. SoHA breaks this one into 3 Programs, as we believe we need time to integrate the teachings and make studies more fun and less intense. Its not about the destination but about the quality of the journey.

Please write any other questions that you might have in the comments section or reach out through social media! Ill do my best to answer to all!


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