Welcome to our Lakshmi Episode!
You will learn here about the meaning of this beautiful Archetype. Lakshmi, Goddess of Beauty, abundance, and true spiritual wealth is here to support in your journey for inner worth and understanding the true meaning of these virtues.
My intention is sharing as many stories and educational videos as I can! Here is a little intro so we start tuning in to what it means to sing Lakshmi Mantras.
This is some of the content we learn through SoHA trainings including our 200hr and our 100hr Lucid Flow. All of our trainings include the ancient Vedic teachings, Mantras and Mythology, fused with modern way of understanding our human body technology, and the latest research and Science in Health!
Thank you so much for being here! Blessings from Bali and hope to see you here soon!
Are you struggling to Practice Yoga at Home?
Do you tend to forget the sequence or get mental and body blocks into how to move and why? Here I give you the most essential tips to develop your self practice at home without needing 10 years of yoga experience!
What are the main things you need to know when you practice by yourself, and what are the pros and cons of not having to go to practice at a studio daily!
The Essentials:
* Setting an Intention
* Opening & Closing with a Prayer
* 3 Anatomical Planes
* 7 Movements of the Spine
* Epic Playlists
* Let Go of Perfection
* Scheduling Your Practice
Your Self-Practice already resides within you...
You just need to discover it!
“It’s not about the number of hours you practice, it’s about the number of hours your mind is present during the practice.”
~ Kobe Bryant
Please leave any comments if you enjoy and subscribe to our channel. Let me know what content you would like to...
Many students around the world ask me about SoHA School and our programs... but the main issue that I hear behind their voices is, how the heck am I supposed to pick from a billion different Yoga Schools and what are the main things I need to look out for!
In this video Ill go through the main 5 essentials to pick the right school for you and how to make sure you're picking the right experience that connects with what you want and gives you exactly what you're looking for!
Follow us on IG @danielamandala
Do you get confused tryna understand how does Yoga Alliance work? Why Yoga Alliance and what will you find in each SoHA program?
Every year I get students ask me these questions over and over as its unclear what to expect of each program and how it works. Let's break it down :)
A 200hr Yoga Training is the foundational training and the first one to take. You may have taken a couple of classes or workshops, yet if you truly want to deepen on this path and bring the true benefits of yoga into your life, then this is the way. You will find a great cocktail of the main yogic teachings as well as all the tools that will help you transform your life into the lifestyle that you are craving. This will most likely mark a before and after event in your life that will stay in your heart forever.
A 300hr Yoga Training is then a continuation of these studies and becomes a lot more specialized in different topics depending on your interests. Many schools teach this intensively. SoHA breaks...
Hi beautiful yogis!
If you're getting stuck in coming up with new ideas for your yoga classes or you are getting short on themes, and you want to get some extra inspiration or a little nudge, then this snippet might guide you in the right direction.
I’ve taught all kinds of classes over the years, daily classes, festival classes, zoom classes, training classes, webinars, etc. And to be honest, I keep coming back to very popular themes that everyone likes and feels identified with.
However, what makes a class irresistible, is the attention to details that you deliver, and how much presence you offer. This can be felt if the whole class theme encompasses an homogenous experience in itself. For this I always make sure to add different tools into the practice that add to the experience.
In this episode I speak about the essential elements that need to be in harmony to make your yoga classes irresistible. If it's happening online, or in-person, in a festival, small or big class, th...
Heres a little snippet of our Kidneys and what they like. How to know if your kidneys are depleted, what to do to treat them, and which poses to work with for kidney regeneration and rebalance!
These beautiful and filtering organs are the energy givers of our systems. It is because we have kidneys, that the waters of our body are maintained clear and all other systems function properly.
To best treat them we must learn to sleep early (9pm), drink enough water, eat healthy and living foods, exercise properly, and most importantly take care of your energy leakage.
Dive into the video so you find out which 3 things take up most of your energy, and how you can help your kidneys regain strength and vitality!
Enjoy, and bless the waters of your life! Om!
Music has been my grounding soil these past few weeks. Sounds of the Universe tune into our deepest body threads. Like instruments of divine flow we play the notes that resonate, flow, and crystallize our most truthful essence. We breathe, we cleanse, we sing, we cry, we sigh, we walk on this same Earth. We all breathe the same air, yet our exhales are unique.
Tuning in, tuning out, and retuning to the vibrations of what unfolds in our moment to moment manifest station. Seeking freedom from pain, life humbles us. We slip, we fall, we become resilient.... How elegantly can we make a dissonant chord sound divine in the perfection of this life song. How fast can we receive a dissonant fall into a perfectly necessary dent to taste the glory of the next sunny major tone.
Here I share a little song I like to share when offering to divine femenine energy. You can learn it easily to share it with your students or your loved ones!
Narayani Om
Work Life Balance: How to Balance life as a Working Mom!
I get this question a lot when people see my videos and then learn I'm a mom... but how do you do it?
Most likely what you see in my videos is probably the 5th time I recorded the thing and my boy wasn't jumping on me or pulling on my shirt.
Rather than getting frustrated, (which I totally did in the beginning) I realized involving him in the training makes life so much happier for everyone.
He becomes a part of what we do. And we have more fun whilst we do it. If he comes and hops on me when I'm practicing I use his weight for moving smarter and it ends up being a fun challenge for both.
Im curious:
How do you involve your kids with your work?
The more we share the more inspiration we get to raise these little bundles of light.
Sending some family love to all ❤️
4 Handstand Drills you can Incorporate to your Yoga or Movement practice!
Here I break down some of the drills I practiced today.
1. Shoulder Isolation: From a Narrow Down Dog position: Hold and Isolate the Shoulder line as you take mini jumps: This will train your shoulders to know their correct place for alignment and balance.
2. Explosive Tuck Ups - Tuck Jump Explosively to the Sky. Kick up with force to the sky, this will train your forearms to hold your ground and hold your vertical line. Optional to use a wall or without it!
3. Endurance Drill - Hold your Shoulder Line and choose 3 or 4 Leg variations to play with as you handstand. This will train your endurance and stabilize your base for optimal balance. Optional to use a wall!
4. 1 Arm Transfers - This can be done on a wall or with a spotter. It will give you vast amount of strength and empowerment. Make sure you keep your shoulder over your wrist and push your opposite scapula to mount over your base arm! Bonus Tip: f...
50% Complete
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