Yoga Songs for Savasana - Easy Songs to Learn and Sing

Oct 12, 2022


Music has been my grounding soil these past few weeks. Sounds of the Universe tune into our deepest body threads. Like instruments of divine flow we play the notes that resonate, flow, and crystallize our most truthful essence. We breathe, we cleanse, we sing, we cry, we sigh, we walk on this same Earth. We all breathe the same air, yet our exhales are unique.

Tuning in, tuning out, and retuning to the vibrations of what unfolds in our moment to moment manifest station. Seeking freedom from pain, life humbles us. We slip, we fall, we become resilient.... How elegantly can we make a dissonant chord sound divine in the perfection of this life song. How fast can we receive a dissonant fall into a perfectly necessary dent to taste the glory of the next sunny major tone.

Here I share a little song I like to share when offering to divine femenine energy. You can learn it easily to share it with your students or your loved ones! 


Narayani Om

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