Yoga Moms - Work Life Balance

Oct 12, 2022


Work Life Balance: How to Balance life as a Working Mom!

I get this question a lot when people see my videos and then learn I'm a mom... but how do you do it?

Most likely what you see in my videos is probably the 5th time I recorded the thing and my boy wasn't jumping on me or pulling on my shirt.

Rather than getting frustrated, (which I totally did in the beginning) I realized involving him in the training makes life so much happier for everyone.

He becomes a part of what we do. And we have more fun whilst we do it. If he comes and hops on me when I'm practicing I use his weight for moving smarter and it ends up being a fun challenge for both.

Im curious:
How do you involve your kids with your work?

The more we share the more inspiration we get to raise these little bundles of light.

Sending some family love to all ❤️


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