Yoga for Kidneys - Treating Fatigue, Fear, and Flow

Oct 15, 2022


 Heres a little snippet of our Kidneys and what they like. How to know if your kidneys are depleted, what to do to treat them, and which poses to work with for kidney regeneration and rebalance!

These beautiful and filtering organs are the energy givers of our systems. It is because we have kidneys, that the waters of our body are maintained clear and all other systems function properly. 

To best treat them we must learn to sleep early (9pm), drink enough water, eat healthy and living foods, exercise properly, and most importantly take care of your energy leakage.

Dive into the video so you find out which 3 things take up most of your energy, and how you can help your kidneys regain strength and vitality!

Enjoy, and bless the waters of your life! Om!


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